Forum for Residents for Life Beyond Residency - Learn, Share, and Grow Wed, 22 Jul 2015 05:48:18 +0000 hourly 1 By: Editor Mon, 19 Jan 2015 14:27:54 +0000 Thanks for your comment. I’ll soon write an article about the private practice interview process in which I’ll try to share my experience. It seems like you have been doing your due diligence when you say you have been looking at groups’ stability, their contracts with hospitals, work environment, etc. Those are all important factors to consider when choosing a group. As for when to ask about questions related to money or call schedule, I think you should ask them sooner than later. If an interviewee had asked me about questions related to income when I was in private practice, I would not have thought him/her money-hungry, but rather smart and savvy. Physicians in private practice know how important money is in running a business, so they will not think you a reincarnation of Ebenezer Scrooge if you asked them questions about money. It’s funny: not too many lawyers or MBAs would have the same qualms. As Michael says in the Godfather, it’s not personal, but strictly business. ]]> By: Tap Block Mon, 19 Jan 2015 01:00:27 +0000 Thanks for the article! Very informative about the different types of groups that are out there. In my experience many groups seem to be leaning toward the pooled unit as a way to promote equality.
Could you comment in a future article about the PP interviewing process? I’ve been on a few PP interviews now, and do my research on the groups prior to meeting with them – but am still unclear about when is appropriate to really ask the nitty gritty questions. For example, the primary interview is a good place to talk about group stability, hospital contracts, collegiality among staff, types of cases one will do, and partnership track. But when is a good time to discuss that groups RVU’s (if it is a pooled unit – which so far every place I’ve interviewed at has utilized), how many RVU’s one can expect to make a month, call schedule and work hours, vacation schedule, schedule flexibility, and the other “personal” questions. I don’t want to come across as money hungry or overly worried about call to early in the interview process – but these are important factors in choosing the right practice. Thanks! ]]>